Thank you for our meeting! Please complete the evaluation survey.
Best wishes,
Collegium Wratislaviense Team
Ukończono 0 z 10 Pytania
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0 z 10 Pytania odpowiedziało poprawnie
Twój czas:
Czas się skończył
Osiągnąłeś 0 z 0 punktów, (0)
Zdobyte punkty: 0 z 0, (0)
Oczekujące eseje 0 (możliwe punkty: 0)
Thank you for completing the survey. See you soon! 🙂
Overall, how would you rate the training on a scale of 1 (bad) – 6 (great!)?
Bad Great!
How would you rate the modul: How to use problem-based learning and case
study methods in tutoring.
Bad Great!
How would you rate the modul: Developmental tutoring tools and goal setting.
Bad Great!
How would you rate the modul: Planning the personalised curriculum.
Bad Great!
What was particularly important, valuable to you during the training?
Ta odpowiedź zostanie sprawdzona i oceniona po wysłaniu.
How would you rate the atmosphere of the training.
Bad Great!
How would you rate the speed of the training.
Too slow Too fast
How would you rate the way of conduct the training.
Bad Great!
Was there anything missing from the training? If yes, what?
Ta odpowiedź zostanie sprawdzona i oceniona po wysłaniu.
General remarks, free conclusions:
Ta odpowiedź zostanie sprawdzona i oceniona po wysłaniu.